Market Comparison – Ontario to Europe

Ontario, is geographically the same size as Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom combined but, its’ population is significantly smaller.

This spatial difference has a large impact upon Beverage Alcohol consumer trends.
Here’s an interesting perspective for understanding the Ontario Market in comparison to Europe.

Ontario : Europe – Market Comparison

Ontario 12.5 Population per square KM
Area 1,076,395 km2Population 13,500,000
Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands & UK 218.7 Population per square KM
Area 1,076,654 km2Population 235,413,000


City Area Population Population per square KM
Toronto 7,124.15 km2 6,100,000 856
London 1,572 km2 8,174,000 5,200
Berlin 891.8 km2 3,502,000 3,927
Rome 1,285 km2 2,646,000 2,059
Amsterdam 219.32 km2 811,000 3,698
Athens 412 km2 789,000 1,915

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